MOST ADVANCED - Chaff cutter, Hammer Mills, filed fodder crop

harvesting, Silage making, silage packing machine, Mobile Feed Plant, and T M R block making are the next steps towards Animal Feed & Napier Feedstock solutions

Fresh Green Fodder is best suitable for milking animals, our green grass chaff cutting machines is the latest machines with high speed technology, that helps dairy farming to increase milk output in animals , these latest chaff cutter and chaff cutting machines

cut ton's of fresh green fodder / grass for animals in hour of time, with minimum waste and low labour requirements, only one men to feed, as these chaff cutter and chaff cutting machines are auto feeder types and gives better performance and results to any dairy farmer , compare to other available chaff cutter and chara cutter and chaff cutting machines in India

These chaff cutter machines are best suitable for silage making process, 

Silage preparation is one of the important methods for storage of green fodder for dairy animals & it is necessary to adopt this method by Indian dairy farmers on large scale in situations like drought or heavy rainfall or scarcity of fodder.

Productivity2000 to 7000 kg/hr.*
Number of blades4
Cut size 5 and 13 mm / 8 and 13 mm**
Power Required7.5 H.P to 10 H.P
Optional Power Source

Vidhata Diesel engine VSL type  / Crompton Electric motor Or TRACTOR PTO SYSTEM 3 point linkage type or tyre set type 600x16 


Machine suitable for 20 to 100 Animal Dairy  farm


​excellent in cutting, fresh green grass for organic milk producers

New Model JF 40 MAX  Chaff Cutter New Model with Heavy duty Steel Blower with 4  installed cutting blades is  is meant for cutting all kinds of dry & green fodder into small pieces for cattle. Only machine in India in which you can adjust the size in running of chaff cutter machine, to reduce to   no wastage of fodder. The fine  chopped fodder  becomes more digestive and makes it easier for animals to swallow. Process of feeding suger cane chaffed from our machine increase milk in animals by 30 %, 

These chaff cutters macine  can chop and shread the green or dry fodder of Bajra, chari, alfa alfa, maize plant,  Jawar, Corn, Barseem, Sugarcane, Paddy husk , any type of Grass, Groundnut husk etc. These machines are also useful for Dairy Farms, Mushroom Farms & Jute Industries etc. where chopping is required in efficient way with saving lot of labour

Pashu Aahar blog -  गर्मी के मौसम में जब पारंपरिक चारा संसाधनों की उपलब्धता दुर्लभ हो जाती है उस दौरान विशेष रूप से मवेशियों के लिए पशुओं के सभी वर्गों के लिए गन्ने को खिलाना अच्छा रहता है।  फिर भी, तकनीक का इस्तेमाल ज्यादातर अल्पविकसित किया गया है और पशु चारा के रूप में गन्ने के पौधे के उपयोग की दक्षता में सुधार लाने का एक साधन के रूप में खुराक की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका की सराहना की गई है

यह सिर्फ पिछले कुछ साल है कि गंभीर प्रयासों की कमी है कि विशेष रूप से जुगाली करने वाले पशुओं के लिए इस फ़ीड के पोषण की क्षमता का अभिव्यक्ति की सीमा को समझने के लिए बनाया गया है ।  पोषण के इस क्षेत्र में हमारे वर्तमान बेहद वृद्धि की समझ अनुसंधान और विकास पशु को गुड़ के खिलाते थे।

गन्ने की फसल के वैकल्पिक उपयोगों के क्षेत्र में वृद्धि की गतिविधियों के लिए एक बड़ा प्रोत्साहन दिया गया है  और इस परामर्श के लिए प्रमुख कारणों में से एक रहा है।

* Productivity might vary and depend on factors like: cut size, productivity of forage per hectare, tractor power, logistic capacity (wagons) for forage transportation. For stationary machines, the productivity might vary and depend on factors like: labor availability, motor/engine power, type and quality of forage. ** Cut sizes 8 and 13 mm are optional (Maxxium).

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Vidhata JF Precision Forage Choppers / chaff cutter / chara cutting machines  chop grass, sunflower, sugar cane, maize and sorghum with excellent uniformity of particles, besides being machines with simple operation and maintenance. Models JF 40 Maxxium,are available, with several versions for tractor, motor and engine.

Get to know the main features and benefits:


• Cut size change by lever
The only one in the market that changes de cut size with the machine running
Easy and quick handling

• Efficient transmission system by gearbox and cardan shaft
Transmission system directly to the rotor for models JF 60 Maxxium and JF 50 Maxxium for tractor

• High resistance
Special steel rotor with 4 blades (Maxxium line only)
Sealed speed gearbox

• High cut size uniformito with sizes: 5 and 13 mm or 8 and 13 mm**
Better quality of fodder for the animal


High output with low power consumption
Simple operation and maintenance
Outstanding performance
Excellent cost benefit relationship
Longer durability
Better fodder quality, with lower loss

** Cut sizes 8 and 13 mm are optional.

Chaff suitable for dairy farmers in Uttar Pradesh.

Chaff cutter machine can cut various size , 4 mm , 8 mm, 13 mm can be achived by changing gear in machine