Animal Foddor making Unit

Technical sheel for cow biscuit Machine

   MOST ADVANCED - Chaff cutter, Hammer Mills, filed fodder crop

harvesting, Silage making, silage packing machine, Mobile Feed Plant, and T M R block making are the next steps towards Animal Feed & Napier Feedstock solutions

Fodder TMR block making unit  machine is machine to make feed block for animal feed,

This  machine used to make compressed block of Cattle feed weight 2.5 kg and 5 kg each

We also called them Cow Biscuits.

 Cow Biscuit  are made by Hydrulic pressing of  feed like Rice straw, bhusa, corn meal, soybean meal, oil cakes, mineral mixture  and molasses.

we also provide complete solution to grind and pre mix all materials formula into a TMR for eassy processing of Cow Biscuits that called VIDHATA  M3 MILL